Illegal Consumption | Teen Ink

Illegal Consumption

January 6, 2015
By ADixon BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
ADixon BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you believe you can do it, then make it happen."

The scent so strong.
A smell so awful,
It chokes me to death.

It was on your breath,
Your clothes,
Your lips.

The smell, it clings to you,
The air,
To us.

A habit you can’t break.
Letting it take over your body,
Controlling it from head to toe.

You were no longer you,
You became someone else.
Someone, completely different.

Now you leave me behind.
Allowing it to force you,
Make you forget me.

The way your mouth forms,
Like the way it formed to my lips.
It replaced me.

I no longer knew who you were.
I won’t be able to forget us,
But I’m having to leave us.

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mrsg said...
on Jan. 19 2015 at 10:12 pm
Very thought provoking poem.