Vicious Math | Teen Ink

Vicious Math

November 20, 2014
By BbEeTtHh GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
BbEeTtHh GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
11 articles 3 photos 2 comments

Slowly, very slowly it creeps up.
It crouches, an animal waiting to pounce on little bitty you.
Waiting till you are distracted.
Till you are babbling with your friends and letting your concentration dwindle,
Give it the chance to spring up on you

It scratches and claws,
Bites and chews and rips
Your safety away

It doesn't stop at stealing your confidence,
Instead it attacks your intelligence.
Sucking and licking every ounce of talent out.
So you stop,
And think,
And grow frustrated.

Then it goes in for the kill,
Eyeing you with its’ killer eyes
Licking its sharp, piercing teeth,
And growls,
“Do problems one, two, and three.”

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