Forbbiden Love | Teen Ink

Forbbiden Love

October 29, 2014
By TrynessaB GOLD, Lawrence, Indiana
TrynessaB GOLD, Lawrence, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

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do what youre doing when youre supposed to be doing it where youre supposed doing it

I can't im not allowed but it's wrong


But I still do to me it is defying the rules 


but nobody knows so who will it hurt 


an innocent thing never harmful


unless you try and make it a reality which some would say yes yay why not 


But think It could cost them their job  and your place of schooling


keep it innocent don't let them see 


keep all your thoughts on the inside and fantisies as well



your or no one wants that secrect to tell



keep it a forbbiden love

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