This Is Not a Love Poem | Teen Ink

This Is Not a Love Poem

June 9, 2014
By Danielle_Cooke BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
Danielle_Cooke BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I sit here before flowers, hoping they will train me in the art of opening up."

Last year, my teacher said:
Write a short story
and so I did
and it was about love lost.

And this year my heart said:
Write a novel
and so I did
and it was about love found.

I have never loved before.
I have seen beautiful people
and fallen in love with ideas
But I have never loved

like my writing has.

But they tell me:
Write what you know
and so I say
Write what you want to know and
Write what you wish to feel --

Someone once told me
that someone once said:
I don't know what I think until I write
and so I write to learn
about the world and about myself

And I write about love --
but this is not a love poem.

This is not a love poem
and I have never loved.

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