I Am a Satellite | Teen Ink

I Am a Satellite

April 14, 2014
By kyleeradulovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kyleeradulovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It's not the years in your life that matter, it's the life in your years.

I photograph the neighborhood,
I photograph the park,
I photograph the sunny sky,
And I photograph the dark.

I photograph the animals,
I photograph the trees,
I photograph the mountains,
And I photograph the seas.

Slowly, I float ‘round and ‘round,
I photograph it all.
I photograph the big,
I also photograph the small.

Around the universe I wander,
in my own, strange, little way,
as I dance around I photograph,
every moment, every day.

I photograph the butcher,
I photograph the baker,
I take picture of everybody,
even of the candlestick maker.

Up here, revolving, out in space
is where I love to be.
I photograph the bright white stars,
In return, they capture me.

I photograph the chaos,
and I photograph the peace,
I photograph the whole wide world,
I never falter, never cease.

I photograph the blue, cold moon,
I photograph the sun.
Not many see my photographs,
though I capture everyone.

I capture Mother Nature,
as I capture Father Time,
while I capture every riddle,
every story, every rhyme.

I photograph the neighborhood,
I photograph the park.
I photograph the sunny sky,
and I photograph the dark.

The author's comments:
I hope this will inspire people to take notice of the world around them and appreciate what it holds.

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