Your Just a Friend | Teen Ink

Your Just a Friend

March 6, 2014
By Norma Cervantes PLATINUM, West Lafayette, Indiana
Norma Cervantes PLATINUM, West Lafayette, Indiana
29 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I have never had a Valentine's date, Or spend it with someone, my life has always been with family and friends, the gate to my heart is impossible for guys to open, for as

Friends its easy, But when it comes to boys, It's not easy for me to open up, once they do, It's like a treasure that has been lost, the school boys always what to fool around and I'm like, hey,

Your heart is one that is different from all those, boys,
Why are you treating me like this, I don't deserve you, when I'm down, Your there to not let me down and bring Joy, in my life, you know my flows an when I'm Blue,

But your just a friend, your there when I have melt downs, or problems, you always listen o me,
But, I don't now your dal is with Valentine's Day
But I will find out sooner or later.

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