Lost Lovers | Teen Ink

Lost Lovers

February 25, 2014
By kk0720 BRONZE, Taylorsville, North Carolina
kk0720 BRONZE, Taylorsville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We laughed we loved we lived,
But apparently these things weren’t good enough for you.
I chose the rode less traveled you chose the road most traveled.
Sports are the only thing on your mind when you are always the main topic in mine.
I sit and wait patiently for a response that will never occur.
When we first met you called it fate, but I called it destiny.
When I looked into your deep blue eyes I saw hope, but now I see destruction.
You called me weak, but I’ve never been stronger.
Day by day I grow wiser, shine brighter, and put away old habits.
My old habits are in the past with you, but my new beginnings have just started without you.
I plan to see you in the future, but the only thing that will have changed will be me.
I will happy without you, my mind free of you, my body relaxed, and my heart will be recovered, because I found a new lover.

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