Unconditionally | Teen Ink


January 28, 2014
By lara_ SILVER, HARTFORD, Connecticut
lara_ SILVER, HARTFORD, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

You just don’ t get it sometimes. I get so sick and tired of it. People are meant to love. You just can’t avoid it. You can’t spend the rest of your life hiding your feelings and being coldhearted. It’s human nature to catch feelings and fall in love. Are you even human? You don’t believe in labels? That’s not so fair but I can live with it. As long as you show me off, let everyone know I’m yours and that you’re mine. I want you. I need you. Sounds corny, but you’re like oxygen. The world seems so dark and empty when you aren’t talking to me or next to me. Oh how great it is when you’re with me. I just want it to last forever, the memories. The long passionate kisses and the caring tight hugs from the bottom of our hearts. Does that mean anything? Do I mean anything to you? How horrifying would that be? Everyone’s telling me to let you go. That you’re fooling me. But I can’t. They don’t know what we have. They don’t understand. And I’m starting not to understand either.

Why do you act so distant? Please don’t keep your distance. I wont hurt you. I’m not your past. I’m your present and hopefully your future. I love you. I miss you when you aren’t next to me. Is that crazy? That I always want you by my side. Caressing my shoulders as I lay on your laps. Playing with my hair as I fall asleep. When you speak to me, the whole world is on lockdown. You are my guardian angel. So caring, so loving. You may not say it but you sure show it. Your actions speak louder than words. Making me feel like the only girl in world. Your scent, your aroma swifts through me throughout the day. Oh how bittersweet is that smell. I never thought of you as a long term. All I really wanted was a type of one night stand or short term. Someone to put in a list and burn it off. You became the total opposite. So close and so special to me. I’d kill for you because you mean the world to me. I told myself not to fall in love with you, that I’d get hurt. But because I’m so hard headed and stubborn, I can never listen to myself or anyone. I’m human. I have feelings.

You seemed so not perfect to me and I so fell for it. Your imperfections became the most precious things to me. Is it too soon to say I just want to spend the rest of my life with you? This is not an obsession I swear, I’m just in love and I hope you are too. This teenage love must be real. Do you even believe in love? You tell me you love me once in a blue moon. But when you say it, it’s like receiving the gift you’ve been craving for christmas. The smallest and most simple things you do just make me love you more and more. Holding the door open for me and helping me pick my stuff up after I dropped them like a total dork are way better than some stupid promise ring and a pair of expensive heels. It shows me how much love and care you have for me. I think you don’t notice it sometimes. That you do things that make me fall for you. I really hope your not sending me mixed signals like you were doing at first. At first when you kissed me so gently and heavenly then friend zoned me. Oh how stupid did I feel. But I have yet to not give up until this day, Love.

What are you looking for? All I ask for is for one of those corny romantic love stories. I just wanna be the small town girl who falls for some guy and they fall in love then live happily ever after. Is that even possible? Of course it is. Anything is possible. Except for you. It’s so hard to break through your walls. To break through you and just make you try. Make you try to fall in love. In love with me. Don’t fall in love with the way my body is shaped or the way I make my hair look pretty. Fall in love with the way I am, the way I treat, care and love for you. There’s more to life than a pretty face and a nice body. There’s the way I express myself to you. Oh how I talk endlessly to you. Does that annoy you? Do I annoy you? Is that the problem? That I’m practically a clingy small girl waiting in desperation for your love and affection. I promise to be faithful and cherish every bit of you and your time. What is love? What is love to you? Too scared to get hurt, well I am too. You’re seeking for something that does not exist. Something that does not want you. I crave for you and all your sins. Oh my dear Love, what I’d give and do to make you mine. Forever.

Do you remember the first time you told me you loved me? My heart dropped, to the floor. I had butterflies in my stomach when it happened, I had a whole zoo. I just feel like everything I do for you is never enough. My love, care, even the material things. Nothing is enough. What do you want from me? Tell me a reason why you are still sticking around. What do you do if love does not exist to you? To you, my dear. I have yet not to give up because you’re the reason for my happiness and to wake up happy everyday.

To see you is a reason to not let go, because you are my reason to live. Well that was pretty corny. But really. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I almost lost you once, it was like the end of the world. It was loosing a part of me. I don’t ever want to loose you. You are a part of my heart, life and soul. What would I do without you? I sound pretty stupid because I’ve been through this time after time. I’ve lose someone I loved time after time. I’m still alive. So what am I talking about? But the connection I have with you is irreplaceable. We’re the best of friends and the best of lovers. What am I to you? Do you think of me throughout the day? I sure do. Every day, every hour. S***, every minute. That’s way too creepy, don’t yah think? Well, picture it like this. We talk endlessly everyday. Of course I’m attached. Only a coldhearted psycho wouldn’t be attached. I’ve never felt this way with no one else.

You might not be my first love. But you are the best love by far. You make me happy when I’m not feeling so well. Why am I such a mom? Because I care so much. I like caring for you. Fixing your collar when it’s not right. Wiping something off your face or even patting you on the back for being such a great person. Caressing your every bone structure. Your every move and every step, takes my breath away. The words you speak to me, makes my whole day. Your touch, your smell, your eye contact shivers me up into a little snowball. What is it about you that makes me so weak? It’s the control you have over me. My feelings are you advantage to remote my every move. Oh, how bad is that. Not being able to control your own body and emotions because you’re someone else’s muppet dangling by a string. But I don’t care, control me. You are my Love.

I wake up every morning hoping that something wonderful will happen to you and me. All I want is you. Just tell me what you want and I will be that for you. I want to kiss you. I want to hold your hand. I want to watch stupid movies with you. I want to cuddle late at night. I want to have a pillow fight. I want to play with you hair. I want to dance with you. I want to drive anywhere and just have discussions about nothing. I want to laugh with you until I can no longer breathe. I want to make you smile at random times at the day because you’re thinking of me. Oh, I just want you. How corny is that? How pathetic huh? Why did I fall for you? Teenagers are so stupid. Falling in love, making promises, committing to one person. You know what? It isn’t stupid. It’s pretty much life experience. You can’t live the rest of your life basing your like off “you only live once”. Okay, yeah you only live once. So make the best out of it. Fall in love, make mistakes. Well, get heartbroken. That’s all there is to life. Love. Well there is obviously more.

Wow, our first fight. This was horrible. It was like I was loosing you, forever and ever. But you told me you’d always be here for me. I just wanted to stop talking to you and let you go. Dead you. Oh, what an a****** you are. Do you care at all? God, that broke my heart. You didn’t even make an effort to not loose me. What was I thinking? That you were going to come running to me and tell me to stay? No! That is not who you are.

Honestly, one day I hope you find someone. I hope you love her and cherish her. Show her off to the world. Be proud to have her. Tell her you love her everyday, every hour, every minute, because she deserves it. Communicate with her, tell her how you feel. Don’t ever ignore her. Give her the good kind of love. The honest, loyal, trustworthy kind of love.

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