6:34 AM | Teen Ink

6:34 AM

November 26, 2013
By tcouch4 PLATINUM, Woodinville, Washington
tcouch4 PLATINUM, Woodinville, Washington
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Make it hurt now so it won't later"
-Jim Rice

Every day we all pile in that room with the tile floor,
Room 302 I think it is,
And we sit in a circle and talk about our problems.
We talk about our feelings, we talk about love,
Just in a different way than everybody else.
We get yelled at, we try our hardest,
Yet it is never enough to soothe a mundane piece of work.
But at 6:34, in room 302, in some city, in some state
that you will never hear about (in both cases),
something miraculous happens.
It gives us warmth. It gives hope.
It gives us the power to keep going, as flowers do when
They suffer the droughts that are oh-so-common,
In places like room 302.
This event shows the people that we are the troopers
That sludge through just to average something better than the rest.
We are the Navy seals of the school. Nobody cares,
but it’s us that gut it out and hope for the best.
So, at 6:20, as we sit and wait,
We wait for 6:34.

The author's comments:
I take a 0 period at my school (which is technically illegal teehee), which means I am in class by 6:20. One day I noticed a trend that happens every day at 6:34 AM.

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