Burnt | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
30 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes to short to take seiriously

Everything was
perfect we loved
like no other
until the fire
got lit inside
that bright eyed
child and he burnt
everyone around him
i myself got burnt
pretty bad but hey
my mother never liked
him anyway he only loved
me then burnt me and eveyone
else who loved him i honestly
still love him though he
hurt me the flame that
devouered our love engulfed
his heart soul and mind
now he burns everyone he cares
for though we keep on running
back to try and save
him i've learned to watch him
burn and try to save those
who run in after him
and watch as he burns as
our love once did

The author's comments:
i miss him a lot but as you can tell he burnt me and bad

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