The Main Act | Teen Ink

The Main Act

October 8, 2013
By Boybridgman BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
Boybridgman BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

They call him Hollywood, they call him Vinny.
They hate him when he is losing but they love him when he is winning.
They hang around him cause he puts on a show.
They battle over who gets to sit front row.
This poem might sound cocky but it's actually a humbling story
About a kid who pushed Christ out of the way and stole all the glory.
Going to school in only the freshest of clothes,
His intentions within, nobody would ever know.
They hung around him just to get a good joke.
He had the girl he had the gift and wasn't addicted to coke.
He was addicted to the lime light.
Anyone who stole it was pushed out of his sight.
Praised by many and loved by all.
They lifted him up so high there was no way he could fall.
Till one day God gave him a test.
I'm gonna keep this PG so ill spare you the rest.
But long story short he failed.
Curled up in the fetal position crying.
He failed one time and didn't want to keep trying.
His show was over.
He could no longer be the jokester
They stopped getting what they wanted
So they left him sitting in the corner.
Everyone had moved on.
He could no longer entertain them.
He couldn't be who they wanted him to be
So they left him on stage with an empty audience and cold feet.
Staring out at each individual empty seat.
His clothes are torn his hair is messy.
Wondering to himself WHY ME!
There is something else you might have figured out already.
Pray for this dude, cause his first name is Stephen and his last initial is a "B"
Then the spot light hits me.
I realize my show is over.
It's time for the next act.
I see the next performer and unlike me he looks intact.
His voice is pure and his words are warming.
The crowd piles in as they give the 5 minute warning.
Who is this guy?
Something about a Christ.
Then he calls me by name.
Stephen, take this mic.
Then I look at myself and my clothes are looking fancy.
I'm about to perform with Jesus and I'm feeling antsy
I get up on stage but I'm sharing it this time.
Ladies and gentlemen, the main act... Jesus Christ.
I'm gonna play the background tonight

The author's comments:
This is my personal testimony.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 7 2013 at 12:04 pm
DanielShepard BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford

Very good. I loved it sooooo much that I broke up with my girlfriend.