Human Race | Teen Ink

Human Race

October 1, 2013
By leahhabeybaby PLATINUM, San Diego, California
leahhabeybaby PLATINUM, San Diego, California
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

I need a break from the human race
we seem to be running in a circle
we progress than old tendencies
rope us back to that hole of hatred
the human race that seems to be a race of race
what makes me able to cross the finish line
and the person to my left out for the count
is it color of skin, inflection of voice,
brains in your head, or the people in your bed
you pace yourself to win a race
you train hard and deserve what you have
no need to trip others with sharp words
no need to distinguish participants
based on who they are, and what they look like
and on things they can't control
its so easy to forget that all these strangers
that we easily hate
are just trying to run the same race

The author's comments:
inspired by makelmore's song same love

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