Hold Fast | Teen Ink

Hold Fast

June 22, 2013
By VitamAeternam PLATINUM, Fenton, Michigan
VitamAeternam PLATINUM, Fenton, Michigan
26 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.”
― Cassandra Clare

You think you know
What pain is like
You think you've seen
What hell looks like
You spout your lies
and snag your prize
But you do not know
What pain is like
What's that you say
You've seen the flames
The world isn't worth it
Cause nobody cares
It's too much to bare
I just want to end it
to escape this place
That cannot be true
How's that you say
Well here's a clue
You're standing here
And I am too
So since you're here
Don't speak about pain
Cause as long as you breath
Your life's not in vain

The author's comments:
He died for us let's live for him

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