Broken | Teen Ink


June 19, 2013
By AhtmahKhalsa DIAMOND, Espanola, New Mexico
AhtmahKhalsa DIAMOND, Espanola, New Mexico
54 articles 1 photo 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
''Be Formless, Shapless, Like Water...When you put water in the cup, you become the cup, when you put water in the teapot, you become the teapot, be water my friend...'' -Bruce Lee

''The Only enemy we have to fight is ourselves''-Morihei Ueshiba

Verse 1:

Left Me Outcasted.
I knew it would have never lasted.
But I did what had to be done.
And because of it as you say I am ''Dead To You.''
My mother died, and you never understand my tears.
Blinded by your own fears.
Have you even changed after 3 years?
Because I am left here….


Not even being able to see.
The so called ''Family'' that once was.
Cus you all hate Me.
Only because you deny Reality.
Wash it down with Drugs and Booze.
And you tell me I Lose.
Then talk behind my back, create up lies.
Never came to me as a surprise.
Cus rather then getting things out in the open…
And Resolving them, you attack.
Without facing the fact.
And I remain with the haunting memories as I stay…

(End of 1st Chorus)

Verse 2:

These feelings are something I just cannot erase.
I want you to feel what I feel.
But you don't have the guts to talk face to face.
You'd rather me leave without a trace.
I cannot hold these memories or feelings in anymore.
Cus I don't see you apologizing or changing, thats for sure.
And if you wanna prove it to me, then come back and see.
All the Destruction you've done to your so called ''Family.''
Then clean up your mess and say you are ''Free.''
And I just stand here singing this song…


Not even being able to see.
The so called ''Family'' that once was.
Cus you all hate Me.
Only because you deny Reality.
Wash it down with Drugs and Booze.
And you tell me I Lose.
Then talk behind my back, create up lies.
Never came to me as a surprise.
Cus rather then getting things out in the open…
And Resolving them, you attack.
Without facing the fact.
And I remain with the haunting memories as I stay…

(End of Last Chorus)

Last Verse:

Here comes those tears again.
Darkest days of the past.
But I'll make sure they never last.
Gotta move on.
But what you did to me I cannot forgot.
I wanna see my cousins grow up to be.
Something better then this messed up family.
But as they get older, time will be closer to the end.
And I don't wanna see them be that nightmare I see you are.
Do my Best to Secure their Safety, even if you try to stop me.
Cus this misery needs to end now.
And I'm tired of seeing everything.


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