Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

May 30, 2013
By AlphabetLover GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
AlphabetLover GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'There is no good or evil in this world but thinking makes it so.' -William Shakespeare
'Even when we think we are alone, there is always someone watching us.' -Sophie Howard

I’m from the roof on top of the porch,
Stormy nights as rain shaped like teardrops
Crash into my window.
From the big tree in the middle of our yard
And the tire swing where swings in the wind,
To the basement where bugs hoard
And from summers where I waited for the future.
I’m from campouts in the forest
As thunderstorms pounded on the tent all day,
I’m from bike rides throughout the town
To downtown waukesha where I explore.
I’m from magic necklaces galore
And ‘Please’’s to ‘Thank you’’s.
I’m from funny faces
And Rolling my eyes
To hastags
And my iPod on the loudest it can go.
I’m from Marvel,
Harry Potter,
And Percy Jackson all rolled into one,
To Syfy and Fantasy
And writing my own books.
I’m from my family
Who will love me till I die
And from all my animals
Who love me so much they annoy me.
I am from my artwork,
My poetry,
My writing,
And my reading;
I am from my house that I want to change
And my room that changes with me
I am from my friends who stick with me
And school that I am forced to go to.
I am from quiet nights in the house
To trying to stay up all night.
I am from screaming and running
To climbing up trees and refusing to come down.
I am from the outdoors
To the indoors.
I am from my family,
My friends,
And most of all,
I am from me.

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