Besos | Teen Ink


April 19, 2013
By Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Your lips are hungry
for my labios:
they are wet with thirst
and warm with hunger;
your labios drip of
ravenous passion,
uncontrollable and
unsatisfied until
I am yours
and become part of you
—un cuerpo—
one body unified
by an untamed force
that neither one of us
can easily explain.

Besos on my forehead—
Besos on my lips—
Besos on my neck—
Besos on my chest
and abdomen
until you’ve reached
my ....

And as much as
you repeat te amo,
I must ask you,
Do you mean it all?
Or am I just another
cuerpo for you to lust
for thirty minutes or so?

The author's comments:
Inspired by OldYoungOne's poetry.

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This article has 20 comments.

Mckay ELITE said...
on May. 21 2013 at 2:04 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Awww. Thanks, wifey. It was intense writing this one. Made me sweat too. 

on May. 21 2013 at 2:51 am
Scarlett_the_pegacorn BRONZE, Niceville, Florida
4 articles 24 photos 136 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't tell me how to live my life; I do what I want.

omgawsh. this is my all time favorite of urs. :3 

Mckay ELITE said...
on May. 2 2013 at 4:36 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

OH, don't mean to ask for another favor. But would you do me the honor of reading Good Morning. Maybe you'll like that one better. Just though I'd ask. I appreciate your feedback.

Mckay ELITE said...
on May. 2 2013 at 4:35 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Well, thank you. I model my work on what inspires me. And your work that day I read it, seem to have inspired. Thank you. I'm happy you read it.

OldYoungOne said...
on May. 2 2013 at 2:32 pm
Well I like the images and I like te spanish. It felt a little forced to me in ways of the rythm but beyond that I enjoyed the incorporations of some of my themes into this poem. I applaud the structure and I feel honored to have someone model off my writing. 

Mckay ELITE said...
on May. 1 2013 at 4:13 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Thanks, Jade. I had a feeling that of all the people of Teenink you might like this poem. You're so bold. And amazing. Thank you. ^u^

on May. 1 2013 at 4:09 pm
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

Haha, I liked the last part. It's was good! Plus, I like

Mckay ELITE said...
on May. 1 2013 at 2:16 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

No worries, Liv. I appreciate all your honest and your opinion. Anytime. It always means the world to me. And I'll do my best...not to bash, or criticize but to be honest and helpful. Keep rocking!

on Apr. 30 2013 at 6:44 pm
Laugh-it-Out PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York, New York
38 articles 0 photos 445 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light" --Dylan Thomas

Phew! Good, I am happy now. The same goes for you though. If you ever feel that my work is not the best, or not your favorite be honest, becasuse like you, I want people to know me for my writing, and now is when everything really starts to shift into place: visions, passions, preferences. If we all establish an opinion now, We will be better offf in the future. So please, don't hold back on any of my work. TRUST ME, i can take it ;) keep rockin Mckay

Mckay ELITE said...
on Apr. 29 2013 at 4:13 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

So offended right now. No I'm kidding. I get that. And I respect your opinion. This one was different from my previous work. More mature and juvenile at the same time. Never be afraid to give your opinion of something you don't feel as passionate as someone else may feel. Thank you anyway. I know you care about my work as much as I care about yours, if not more. Keep rocking.

on Apr. 27 2013 at 11:24 pm
Laugh-it-Out PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York, New York
38 articles 0 photos 445 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light" --Dylan Thomas

I have to say, if we are being honest (which i am), that this was a liitle to intense for me. I dont know, i certainly didint like it as much as i love your other work. But i have to say, though i didnt exactly like what the poem was about (sorry that sounded mean), i LOVED the descriptions, lie watching a movie in your mind. I also LOVE the spanish waved creativly in there. I am a spanish speaking person myself so i think that you crreativly found ways to have fun with it. Great job as far as structure and stufff, but like i said earlier, i dont really feel as apssionate about this peice as some of your other work. (so sorry if that was a really harsh and mean critique, didnt mean for it to be, just wanted to tell you what i thought.) oh and (you know i alwas love ur work so dont take this personally) keep rockin

on Apr. 27 2013 at 11:11 pm
Laugh-it-Out PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York, New York
38 articles 0 photos 445 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light" --Dylan Thomas

If we are being honest, which i hope you don't mind, I am: this wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I love the spainsh, i am a spanish peaking person myself. I thought the descriprions were really good and i could picture everything in my head. I like the question at the end. I think that it really closes the poem yet also leaves the reader hanging. Call me weird, but i dint really like the fact that it was sooo sexy. trust me, im not like grossed out or anything. your work is always great, its just that, i dont know, there was something off about the poem for me to love it as much as i love your other work. Long story short, it wasn't my favorite. Anywho... Keep rockin Mckay

Mckay ELITE said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 6:12 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Haha. Thanks. :3

on Apr. 26 2013 at 6:06 pm
Fallen_ PLATINUM, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
25 articles 3 photos 433 comments

Favorite Quote:
" a shattered world is only an opening into a new beginning with laughs, smiles, and love all around enter the world of the light and away from the broken darkness"

INTENSE wow but reallly good :3

Mckay ELITE said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 4:44 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Thanks. Good to know that my poetry can be intense.  

on Apr. 26 2013 at 4:42 pm
TevyRae PLATINUM, Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
24 articles 7 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here is a small fact: You are going to die." ~The Book Thief
"You have no stupidity inside of your adorable little self." ~Mikey Pasterik

very, very intense. well written. good job! 

Mckay ELITE said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 4:04 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

AHHH!  Thank you. Yes, this is somewhat intense. Very picante, if I do say so myself. And I did enjoy writing the second stanza. For the record, I had do re-edit that stanza in order to re-submit it. First time Teenink said it wasn't wholesome for the site. But I would not let that dissuade me. This poem had to be on the site. Glad you like it. 

Mckay ELITE said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 4:00 pm
Mckay ELITE, Somewhere, Virginia
146 articles 0 photos 2230 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”
― Weihui Zhou

Oh wow. I like that. Never thought of myself that way. Haha. Thank you. This is somewhat of a different poem for me. Glad you enjoyed it. And reminded you of Neruda. *mental note: need to read more of his work* 

on Apr. 26 2013 at 3:39 pm
LexusMarie PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
27 articles 0 photos 423 comments

Favorite Quote:
The more control you have over yourself, the less control others have over you.

Ohh la la, Mckay! This is spicy! I love the first line, 'Your lips are hungry for my labios.' I mean that deserved an exclamation, that was exciting. The descriptions are crazy, whoa whoa. I LOVE this one, 'unsatisfied until I am yours.' I wish I wrote that, haha. The Spanish makes this all the more lovely. The second stanza, priceless. I wonder too, does the person mean it all? I'd surely hope they aren't just another body for that'd make the poem sad and loose some of the sexiness. Great job.

migwam ELITE said...
on Apr. 26 2013 at 12:33 pm
migwam ELITE, Tumwater, Washington
240 articles 20 photos 151 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present." --Marcus Aurelius

Oh wow. I am reminded of Pablo Neruda by the intense sexiness and the Spanish flavour of this poem. Wow. Bold, bold, bold :)