I Can't Make You Love Me | Teen Ink

I Can't Make You Love Me

April 1, 2013
By oarsis SILVER, Atascadero, California
oarsis SILVER, Atascadero, California
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defense the only arms I allow myself to use -- silence, exile, and cunning.”
-James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

I think I fall in love with people,
a little too much,

just in the way they sound at 4am
or how they look when they smile.

And it's so addicting,
when their eyes light up,
because you've remembered something
they may have said.

I think I grow attached,
to people, who I know,
will leave.
But I can't help it,
because I see all that you are,
when you don't really see it yourself

And sometimes I wonder how someone's heart,
grows so cold,
and I think, maybe it's because
for a while, it was left out in the rain.

You know some days I struggle,
when there's nothing left to say,
because I still don't know how to convince you,
that out of everyone,
and all the ones that leave

I'm always the one still standing there,
with an umbrella,
just big enough,
to cover your heart.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 26 2013 at 6:58 pm
haley101 DIAMOND, Windsor, Connecticut
70 articles 5 photos 195 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

― Mary Oliver

i like the line, "just the way they sound at 4 am" it's really interesting, and takes away the surreal feeling to the poem and really forces a type of harsh realism. I could totally relate once I heard that. this is really interesting