class ring | Teen Ink

class ring

March 28, 2013
By JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
30 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes to short to take seiriously

When I look down
at this ring
on my hand
I can't help
but to have tears
in my eyes
my class ring
she wore it
every where
every day
we fell hopelessly
in love
we dated
we married
she was mine
but apparently
not forever
that fatal night
I wish it were me
not her
she was killed on
impact in the car
then I think back
to the alter
how they said
always to have
and to hold
I realize
that they
should have said
always to have and
hoping to hold

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