told to forget the man i fell in love with | Teen Ink

told to forget the man i fell in love with

March 27, 2013
By JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
30 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes to short to take seiriously

When I was told what i had to do
I knew the words were spoken
my heart completely broken
i had to leave it behind
and move on
tears were streaming down my face
I had to forget him
forgetting someone you once loved
is like forgetting how to breath
but I need to forget him
so I will
I know what he did yet
I don't care so the last thing
I have to say to him is:
Love ya babe

always have always will

but I need to move on

what you did wasn't right

I'll miss you now and


goodbye I have loved and

lost but at least I

have loved

Your love


The author's comments:
i have to forget him so i will but if i could tell him one last thing i would read him this

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