I am the one who is forever lost | Teen Ink

I am the one who is forever lost

March 27, 2013
By JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
30 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes to short to take seiriously

For I have loved one who was lost
only to make them feel lost again
but in losing the lost I have
lost a part of my self
apart that let me know
another could ever truly love me
yet I believe that he has gained the part that I have lost
so I am truly the one
who end up lost
truly at one point
everyone is lost
but I am lost because
I gave him the very thing
that made me lost
for i am forever lost

The author's comments:
he was lost we broke up know i'm lost

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