A tReMbLiNg BlUe | Teen Ink

A tReMbLiNg BlUe

January 27, 2013
By theshadowofanobody GOLD, Belle Mead, New Jersey
theshadowofanobody GOLD, Belle Mead, New Jersey
19 articles 0 photos 6 comments

She lay there
Her breaths hitching in her slit throat
Her trembling blue breaths
And her fingers
Reached out to brush
the velvety sky draped across His shoulders
The trembling blue sky
She lay there
Closed her eyes
The stories stirred,
Unfurling inside her beating heart
They whispered to her of
The trembling blue wind.
And then,
she let go.

She stood there, watching
As the galaxies rose from the streaks of paint
With glowing eyes, their gleaming irises speckled with
The trembling blue prayers.
And she started moving, towards those galaxies
To see whether miracles were born.
The galaxies threw back their heads and howled
And their voices were lost in the wind.
The trembling blue wind.
But she heard.
And knew that He was awake.
And her fingers laced with
Those of her child.
Her unborn child that looked at her with
A trembling blue smile.
And the galaxies wreathed around her.
The stars pressed their lips against her bare skin.
Tattoos, and there was rain
A trembling blue rain.
She was racing across
Her pale dress slapping against her.
The umbrella tossed aside
And she was soaked
She cried out, scraped knees stinging
Because she was alone.
A trembling blue alone.

She was chased by them,
She didn't look behind
Because she knew that they didn't have any faces
And that scared her.
All she knew was that
Tumbling from their gaping mouths
Were words
Trembling blue words.
She was lost.
Her heart had closed down,
any footsteps muffled by the silence
The trembling blue silence.

The silence
And she looked up
At the galaxies and their stars and their miracles and her unborn child.
They were.
A trembling blue.
And then
She was
a trembling blue.

The author's comments:
I'm free
But I'm afraid of that
So I
Try to find meaning
When everything is just
A trembling blue.

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