The man and his storm | Teen Ink

The man and his storm

January 24, 2013
By SrDeVine GOLD, Sacramento, California
SrDeVine GOLD, Sacramento, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

storms give me a chance
a chance to breathe
and now
as im here
with my love
with my city
i love how tumultuous she is
storms are always like that
a break
a breath
a take
from death
tempting to hurt her
with some wind and rain
we all sit inside
and hibernate
for a few days
and though she loves me
she'll understand
why i came so far across the land
to sit with her
and stroke her face
and run along into nights embrace
as each overpass
or hotdog stand
closes up shop
they know i'll take care of her
and that i'll never have enough
as the day i first laid eyes upon my love
so i let the storm cry it out
it needs some time to itself
and whistles me to sleep,
with just a moment of reflection
i find it ironic
that when my love is hurt
i need taking care of more than her
but she'll be fine
as i breath with her
and fall asleep next to her
ge t
c a r ri e d
a w a y
l i k e h o w i t usetobe

The author's comments:
I've never been in a storm, snow, lived by myself, been gone longer than 2 months from home, had a real job, driven a van, or loved this deeply till i had moved to NY. I love this city like I love a woman.

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