A King's Puppet | Teen Ink

A King's Puppet

December 6, 2012
By FullMoonDreamer2000 BRONZE, Richmond, CA, California
FullMoonDreamer2000 BRONZE, Richmond, CA, California
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Favorite Quote:

I was a torturer
One with no family and no peace
Like a hidden child,
Secretive, shadowed.
Silenced and locked away
Until the day I was set free,
taken into the world of one who obeys their king.

I became somebody's puppet
to do with as he commanded,
a prisoner.
In one of many wars I fought,
this form of mine died,
Completely impaled by a spike of pain.

After, I wandered aimlessly, obeying my king
Then, I found a form again
and I found something more,
I disobeyed my king.

The author's comments:
This poem is based off an original character that I created. The poem is based off his back story.

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