alive | Teen Ink


November 23, 2012
By julezrulez6 BRONZE, Chevy Chase, Maryland
julezrulez6 BRONZE, Chevy Chase, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it’s funny
truly funny
how an epic love story
a truly epic love story
can take place
in three minutes.

he saw me
and looked away
and looked back
with a smile now
and his eyes sparkled
saying hi

i looked back too
and couldn’t contain my laugh
another boy in the class
another insignificant boy
thought i was laughing at his incorrect mathmatics
but how could i not laugh
when a boy was staring
as if i was his world

the bell rang
we filed out quickly
you turned your head to me
and grinned again
and again and again and again
i smiled too
it was

and if i ever wrote a book
i’d write it about us
and those eyes
and that smile
and that feeling
of being alive
and alive

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