Little Flower Peddle | Teen Ink

Little Flower Peddle

November 12, 2012
By GorgeHenry SILVER, The Colony, Texas
GorgeHenry SILVER, The Colony, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
To to avoid criticism
do nothing
say nothing
and be nothing
-elbert Hubbard

My little flower peddle

when we were to get married

we were never to part

till the day before that take our world apart

you were in the car waiting me

never to stop to take the time to smell the roses

picked that morn

the last word you said was

i love you and take this flower peddle

then we crashed

never to know what i had till it was gone

you my little flower peddle

and a memory of what once was

The author's comments:
this was my vary frist poem i made this a after my grandma died, my grandpa said he gave her a flower pedle on thier frist date.

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