A girl and her Necklace | Teen Ink

A girl and her Necklace

September 30, 2012
By Alizaa BRONZE, Passaic, New Jersey
Alizaa BRONZE, Passaic, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In this digital, 'Photoshop' world where everything is so perfect, revealing imperfections can be quite beautiful"-Joe Jonas

I take off my necklace, the exact replicas of hers
i realize that its also an exact replica of our friendship
Pretty and one of a kind, all one can hope for
But sadly that necklace was cheap and came with a grander price then intended
For the necklace had grown on me , i would never let it go
i gave her the exact replica of mine...i wonder if she ever wore it
Today i realized that our friendship is all a fake
Today i realize that the necklace is also a fake
For it was her birthday gift, given to her the last time i saw her
The necklace caught my eye much like her
the necklace is a music note with a hidden heart
the note looke alot like flames, smoke from flames that will never arouse
i look in the mirrior i havent taken off the necklace since the last day i saw her
my friend
or so i thought
but maybe she is...to a point most likely
i see through how much pain and hapiness that it lead me through
these last few days its started turning to a copper instead of its original sparkling silver
Whats happening?
Did i do something wrong?
she probably got irrated of my calling
or probably cis i bathe with it
or maybe she doesnt want to hear from me
maybe she thinks our friendship is overrated now
i hang on to the music note when im mnervous or miss my friends
but its time to say goodbye
i search for the clasp behind my neck
it feels odd
i pull the trigger and extend it away from my body
seeing in the mirror what others saw
a necklace that was only good for a while
i used it to much
i hung to it to much
or maybe it hung on me and i wasnt ready to let go
but now i am
the amulet was turning brown with all the harmful chemicals
the chemicals of to much love
how tacky it actually looked
but it was beautifuel to me when worn
leaving black marks left on my neck
and a friendship that left a mark in my heart

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