My Kitten | Teen Ink

My Kitten

September 6, 2012
By encupcake SILVER, Surrey, Other
encupcake SILVER, Surrey, Other
7 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx

I used to have a kitten.
She was very small and very delicate.
I loved my kitten.

I used to play with my kitten.
I pulled along a bootlace and she chased it.
It made me smile.

I used to laugh at my kitten.
She kept crashing into things but always bouncing up again.
I though she was invincible.

I was wrong about my kitten.
One day she got out and ran into the road.
I couldn't stop my kitten.

I used to have a kitten.
But she crashed into a car.
She didn't bounce back.

Now I have a new kitten.
Every day I whisper this story in her ear.
I hope she hears me.
I hope she understands.

The author's comments:
I actually have two kittens and they are both slightly crazy but still alive. I love them and I would never let anything happen to them. :)

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