Not Your Slave | Teen Ink

Not Your Slave

April 9, 2012
By SweetSandyFlower GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
SweetSandyFlower GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not everyone has to go to college because ..hello!.. PIZZAS DONT DELIVER THEMSELVES!!!!

I did what you wanted
for far too long.
I was quiet
and screamed a silent song.

I shut my mouth
and secretly took the pain.
Even though the secret
nearly drove me insane.

It was hard to accept
that someone so near
could cause me
tear after tear.

I trusted you
my whole life,
and I never wanted
all this strife.

YOu knew that though,
Didn't you?
Is that the reason
you chose what to do?

I was tired and scared
there was no point to fight
you were stronger,
but we both knew it wasn't right.

Never once,
did you have to raise your hand
You knew I was scared
and your wish was my command.

Now thats done.
I suffered long enough
I no longer have to burden
and carry all this stuff.

I am not your secret
I am not your slave.
I will move on
and I WILL be brave.

You no longer control me
and I am not yours to control.
You got lost
and forgot your role.

I am strong,
and I am brave.
I refuse to let you control me
when i am NOT your slave.

My heart i will put together
and wil not fear.
For you, i will no longer cry
a single tear.

The author's comments:
I wrote this, as a work of inspiration for thse going through abuse. I want them to know they do not have to loose. They have a voice, and they can be and ARE brave.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Apr. 22 2012 at 1:24 am
katieRainbows BRONZE, Stockton, California
2 articles 2 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
I was going to take over the world, but I got distracted by something sparkly.

Sandy i wuv dis *kiss on cheek*


damselsumbul said...
on Apr. 21 2012 at 2:16 am
nice one....luvd it sandy!!!

on Apr. 17 2012 at 12:34 am
SweetSandyFlower GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not everyone has to go to college because ..hello!.. PIZZAS DONT DELIVER THEMSELVES!!!!

Thank you Star honey. I think this is my second poem to go in your favorites. Thank you for your support.

on Apr. 16 2012 at 7:46 pm
TheGirlWhoReachesForStars SILVER, Morrisville, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius.
and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring.\"
-Marilyn Monroe

OH MY GOSH. I love this SO much! it's SOOO good and its GOING INTO MY FAVORITES!!! good job Sandyyyy :)