An Ancient Oak | Teen Ink

An Ancient Oak

January 31, 2012
By TheQueenOfLiberty PLATINUM, Mason City, Iowa
TheQueenOfLiberty PLATINUM, Mason City, Iowa
21 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't Hate The Person, But The Choices They Make,"

By: TheQueenOfLiberty

A gentle giant

That holds green leaves

Swaying in

The wind

Calm and Comfortable

They seem to appear

With no heart or intelligence

That we see

But inside it’s soul

Is it’s heart,

It’s sisters and brothers

Are it’s intelligence

Ancient and Wise

We see them everyday

Without knowing what

We pass

You may hug them

You may cut them

But you can never

Completely understand them,

They watch over us,

Pass us messages,

We just have to listen

To hear them

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