Love Wanted | Teen Ink

Love Wanted

December 6, 2011
By niner PLATINUM, Hartville, Ohio
niner PLATINUM, Hartville, Ohio
32 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Isn't it funny how you broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces?"
"It's easy to stand in a crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone"
"What would you attempt if you knew you could never fail?"

Love wanted
I get so close
To having something even
Slightly worthwhile
And just when I begin to grasp it
It slips out of my reach
And taunts me
Just past my arms extension
“Haha, loner”
It torments my mind
Why is there not one person
Who will let their love
Linger within my reach
Just once
To let me learn how to love?
I want to have butterflies
In my stomach
And I want to lie in bed at night
Thinking of someone just
Tossing and turning
I want to wake up with his
Name already stuck in my head
I want to be on somebody’s mind
Without being criticized
Or made fun of
And I want a name to
Doodle all over my notebook
I want someone to day dream about
Just to fall asleep and dream about again
I want the real deal
Not the make believe crap
That all the other girls possess
I want someone to call my own
Who leaves lilacs on my door step
Because he would know that they are my favorite
I want a reason to love--
Love wanted

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 17 2012 at 9:33 pm
Forever-Wishing GOLD, N\A, Rhode Island
19 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no time to be timid, you must be bold, daring!"

This poem is amazing! It is very relateable!