Tangled | Teen Ink

Tangled MAG

September 30, 2011
By marinashutup GOLD, Fair Oaks, California
marinashutup GOLD, Fair Oaks, California
18 articles 11 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?" -Andy Warhol

The words are getting tangled
As they pass between my lips
They grow twisted and contorted
With every passing trip

You say you need some time
So you'll avoid me for a while
You promise that we'll still be close
But there's reluctance in your smile

I never wanted what you asked for
Or for things to be displaced
I couldn't give you what you wanted
So instead I gave you space

When I couldn't handle waiting
I took to knitting hearts
But the yarn tumbled from my fingers
And our friendship fell apart

It's the knotting of our strings
That keeps us terribly confined
And the fraying of loose ends
That unravel over time

One day you'll grow entangled
As you dance on twisted threads
While the spider keeps on weaving
Catching insects in her web

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 4 2012 at 11:23 pm
VelanedeBeaute GOLD, Sialkot, Other
11 articles 2 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
I vow to shine, like a sapphire, some gem!
I promise, not to whine, but smile till the end.
The symphony of my life
like a violin I will play,
I would vouch,
Vehement to my life I lay.

This is so nice, so relatable, so exuberantly put! I absolutely love it. No doubt it made into the magazine, its simply brilliant! (: