Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

August 3, 2011
By SparkyBliss2011 SILVER, Dumas, Texas
SparkyBliss2011 SILVER, Dumas, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

I am from the back pew,
From “amens” and “hallelujahs!” interrupting my peaceful slumber.
I am from mud pies and “Hey! Watch this!”
I am from endless bruises and blood,
From never-ending bouts of cops ‘n robbers and wrestling for ice cream.
I am from the mother whose future was chosen by the hands of another.
I am from the father who has yet to abandon his childish ways.
I am from the older brother who strives to succeed
And a younger sister who struggles to find her place in the world,
Not to mention my surrogate family of misfits and weirdos.
I am from venison burgers and hobo stew.
I am from truck beds and 4-wheelers,
Dirt road therapy and dusty streets.
I am from Winnie the Pooh, Rugrats, and Wile E. Coyote,
Power Rangers, Spiderman and TMNT.
I am from generation iPod and Kindle,
Thus encouraging the lassitude lifestyle I tried to leave behind.
I am from frills and not so many thrills,
From high-v’s and ninja jumps,
Smeared lipstick and frayed jeans.
I am from ladybugs and rabbits,
From unicorns and werewolves.
I am from playful overgrown beasts named Sparky and Casper,
From teddy bears and head-banging.
I am like no other.

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