The Coming Storm | Teen Ink

The Coming Storm

June 9, 2011
By AbbsFeliniour GOLD, LaPorte, Indiana
AbbsFeliniour GOLD, LaPorte, Indiana
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The lives we live are only given to us once. We make mistakes, have our hears broken, lose the ones we love. But, we learn, we duct tape ourselves together, and find peace in knowing how wonderful ou lives truly are.

Hush all you birds and go hide in your nests,
hush all you critters for whats coming next,
may be the end of your sweet little lives!
Hush hear the coming storm with terror alive!
Here comes the storm and the darkness,
with the thunder and wind!
Here comes the rain that goes straight to your skin!
Hush all you creatures and run for the hills,
the darkness that appraoches is one that kills!
Hush all you trees and quit swaying in the breeze,
for what is coming now you it will seize!
Hush make it calm for the rising terror,
the suspenful silence is not likely to error!
Wind and rain will batter and pelt,
hush all you creatures for it will be felt!
Run for your homes for some shelter,
this is the time for such brutal weather!
No mercy, no luck, can be shared by its fury,
to escape the worst fate go home in a hurry!
The storm is approaching with its terrifying roar,
with wind and rain and thunder galore!
So hush now all creatures and make haste,
run for your lives for they are nothing to waste!
As the storm pillages and plunders,
all you creatures sit in wonder!
The lightning the thunder is all just a scare
the sound is all for there is no danger there!

Hush all the young ones who cry in fright,
the storm will be over by the end of the night.
There is need to fear of the torrent outside,
it will batter and bash where you creatures reside.
So hide as the storm continues to pass,
seek out saftey inside your trees and hope to last.
The worst of the storm has now been unleashed,
the rain just let out like it broke from a leash.
What was terror before has now turned to horror,
the world around now frightens you to the core.
Hush all you creatures who cower in the dark,
to wait for the end of a wrong that has left its mark.
The rain starts to lighten, the clouds start to part.
Hush now for this must lighten your hearts.
The horrible fury of this night has now passed by,
the lightning has stopped, the fright will die.
Hush now you birds and return to your trees,
hush now you critters and get off your knees.
The storm is gone and in its stead,
a rainbow was placed by the one overhead.
Hush all you creatures and return to your places,
wake to the morn with dew and flowers like laces.
The sun the next morn will bring you great cheer,
but for now hush and sleep peacefully here.

The author's comments:
I love the calm before thunderstorms. Its an inpiration to me. Listen for it sometime and see how you feel.

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