Ode to Boots | Teen Ink

Ode to Boots

April 10, 2011
By Beachgirl1 PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
Beachgirl1 PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
32 articles 4 photos 178 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If You Don't Fight Back, You've Already Lost."
"Don't suppress Laughter, it goes to your thighs."

O my divine boots,
I smile as your fur glides down my skin; my feet bathe in you as if you are a giant pool.
Only I know of your kingdom treasures, only I feel your furry minions scrambling inside, molding around my foot.
The squeak of your soles on the pavement comforts me as we stroll.
All the flimsy flats and heels mock us as we drift past, but we fly together, gliding on the pavement.
Our memories are locked up in your sole.
But one day my feet will grow out of you, and I shall be exiled.

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