I Hate Everything Day | Teen Ink

I Hate Everything Day

April 13, 2011
By alymarie3 PLATINUM, Leavenworth, Kansas
alymarie3 PLATINUM, Leavenworth, Kansas
24 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it, you feel it

I cried last night
Nothing seemed to be going right
I had a tooth ache this morning
It keeps hurting and roaring
My headache beats my mind
It's torture is unkind
My stomach rumbles in want
It's empty feeling leaves me in haunt
My hair is doing weird things
And I dont want to go to choir to sing
Sweats are what I'm wearing because I wanna go back to bed
All of these complaints run through my head
I just spotted a goosebump
Why today am i such a grump
This day already isn't going my way
Today is an I hate everything day

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