It's How You Make Me Feel | Teen Ink

It's How You Make Me Feel

February 28, 2011
By meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself;
nothing more,
nothing less.

I would tell you how I feel,
but I forgot my words.
If I could remember my words,
I would tell you:
Your eyes are amazing.
Your skin is so soft.
Smile & I get weak.
Speak to me, I dare you,
because your voice gets me every time.
I look at you & I get butterflies.
Your body isn't perfect,
but it's perfect to me.
I would tell you how I feel,
but it wouldn't matter;
We're just friends,
that is it.

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