Been There, Done That. | Teen Ink

Been There, Done That.

February 11, 2011
By meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself;
nothing more,
nothing less.

Do you know what it feels like to cry every night,
Think of all your flaws, mistakes, regrets,
& hope that your little brother is nothing like you?

Do you ever feel none of your family really loves you,
Like they’re nice to you because they have to,
Or forget about you & never notice you?

Do you have a crush but he has no clue,
You wanna talk to him, but you always lose your words,
& he gives you butterflies whenever you see him?

Do you know what it feels like to be called a loner,
By your own father & think about it,
& it’s the truth, you never wanted to admit?

I have done that,
I have felt like that;
Therefore, I do know how you feel.

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