Her Song | Teen Ink

Her Song

February 15, 2011
By ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
35 articles 1 photo 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When Death to either shall come -- I pray it be first to me." ~Robert Bridges
"Life is not a jump; it's a headfirst dive."
"Within you I lose myself; without you I find myself wanting to be lost again."

╚══`.¸.Isaac H.

There she sits,
Legs neatly crossed,
Singing a song
About all she’s lost.
Her song so sweet,
Yet, so full of pain,
And as she sings,
The colors drain
Leaving her world
Black and white,
And there she will sit,
Singing all through the night.
No one knows her story,
But they all know her song.
All she wants now,
Is simply to belong.
But as each stranger passes,
Heads hung with shame,
Her broken heart tells her,
All will stay the same.

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