I Dreamt Of A Land | Teen Ink

I Dreamt Of A Land

February 12, 2011
By Ninafutura BRONZE, Ipswich, Other
Ninafutura BRONZE, Ipswich, Other
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The worst way to miss someone is to sit right next to them and know you can't have them."

Aerrow was cursed.
Eternally, is there was such a thing as forever
He had loved. That was wrong in the dark and warped life he led.
But he knew nothing else. None of them did.
The girl he loved visited him every afternoon
Phoenix would sit on the ground and weep to the stars for the loss of her lover
He would look down, provide as much comfort as he could from afar
She would depart, leaving her sorrow buried until the next afternoon like the bodies in the graves that littered the ground
Oh, how she loved him!
But she would never, could never, say.
The wicked and twisted trees littered the desolate hills, whispering cruel and accusing words into her fiery hair.
In a world of permanent twilight, who could stop the darkness?
Who would see the day?
Return home she would, return home she must
To the family she loved and to a sister who grieved shallowly for the very man that held her heart next to his
Why, she did not love him! Not as Phoenix did.
He did not love her. Not as he loved Phoenix.
Yet every day they lived the same lie.
Phoenix would look into the sky and open her arms and die every afternoon.
She would die every second, again and again and again if it would free his soul.
A thousand heart aches she would give for this, she would reason, but who was to stop the darkness from taking her world, and him with it?
Who was to stop the day from erasing her memories of him that she would rather die at his hands than forget?
The metaphor of her mad life made her smile, once in a while
She was the bright Phoenix who flew the skies of a brown and ugly world and left brilliance on whomever her heart touched,
And he was the poison arrow that stole her heart of freedom
She was just the screaming bird shot down back down to reality,
away from love,
into darkness.
Away from life,
into madness
Who could save her from the darkness?
Surely he could;
But who would save him from the blinding day?

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