The Bad Dream Bugs Bit My Toes | Teen Ink

The Bad Dream Bugs Bit My Toes

January 21, 2011
By alymarie3 PLATINUM, Leavenworth, Kansas
alymarie3 PLATINUM, Leavenworth, Kansas
24 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it, you feel it

The bad dream bugs bit my toes
Turning them into a tickled rose
They filled my mind
With scary monsters i didn't wish to find
Their creepy shadows among this scene
Taught this sleepless teen
Tossing and turning throughout the night
Wanting to find the savior called light

The bad dream bugs bit my toes
Causing me to wiggle my nose
The killers, chasers, and much much more
Linger outside my closed door
I hear creaks on every stair
It scares me even though i know nothings there

The bad dream bugs bit my toes
For the second time in a row
My silent screams filled my room
Because I'm out of time, so i assume
But then i wake in my bed
Relief runs through my head

The author's comments:
I had a bad dream last night so i wrote it when i couldn't sleep

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