hardeehar | Teen Ink


January 17, 2011
By Nathan.F GOLD, MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota
Nathan.F GOLD, MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

similar to slapping a limb, fallen asleep, on the ground,
I call out your name
and similar to the sound of children laughing,
it pains me, to know you aren't responding

counting the echoes, i began to picture why you've plugged your ears.
call it self pity or a suicidal brand of narcissism
i swear the migrating birds and Tuesday Morning garbage trucks
are all part of the sick symphony that you've conducted, mocking me

i convinced myself i wanted it
the same as you did when you went Downtown
and while you were drowning in the suits and dignity
i was circling the country side, like a tired dog

we could never love each other enough
and i don't mean to make you into the villain
if anything it was the evil discomfort presented by the world,
the hate and false pretenses of love

i needed you like a gold studded oxygen tank
and i will never regret the hours i stared at you

what else is there to say?
i miss you

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