Meet Our Ends | Teen Ink

Meet Our Ends

December 3, 2010
By brontelillie BRONZE, Bacchus Marsh, Other
brontelillie BRONZE, Bacchus Marsh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
- "The way I see it if you want the rainbow... you have to put up with the rain."
- Freedom Is Cheated
- "Make sure the unicorn isn't watching."

Here are the words you wanted,
And a place you haunted,
A soul you should’ve kept,
And all the tears you’ve wept.

There are boats along the shore,
And sounds we’ve heard before,
So are the eyes we’ve looked upon,
And some rails to which we’ve held on.

A shell incrusted with your name,
And the beach, still all the same,
Crying birds with broken feathers here,
With a bucket also brimming with fear.

A cold cloud of a heart,
A tired sigh given before the start,
We shake our hands on being friends,
But this is probably where we meet our ends.

The author's comments:
My inspiration on this was a truce with a person who I used to be close to. The last line at the end, after this "truce", turned to be quite true. I laughed at it.

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