Blinded | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By Mysteria2000 GOLD, Campbell RIver, Other
Mysteria2000 GOLD, Campbell RIver, Other
15 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

When all the worlds sorrows,
fill your heart with glee.
You know where you place your trust,the world is your enemy.

When all that you have striven for,is no longer a task.
Now the days are getting shorter,
the sun goes down to fast.

Responsibilities ride our shoulders,
a moment is gone in a glance.

And your dreams are getting heavy,
all being unsolved mysteries.
While your Shelves are lined with books,
Filled with unwritten history.

and now we are lost,
and now we are solved,
no longer know why we are involved.

We are sullen,
We catch eyes,
We are painted stars among the sky.
No longer knowing the difference,
of what we shouldn't know.

O but we strive,
Yes we strive.
To make sure everybody's OK.
and then we strive some more,
and hurt those that attempt to help us along the way.

We question peoples insanity,
maybe they are the ones seeing our hidden reality.

Maybe they see our fate,
that has yet to see our blooming day.

Oh the cry's,
for we are banished.
Our blood is livid,
and out to pay.

and now we see,
the world around us.
and now we see,
nothing at all.

We are so consumed,
in what we think is right,
we are consumed,
let down your dignity and give up your fight.

What is your sorrow, we focus to much on pain.
What is your fight, we have let too much blood drain.

and who are you, and what do you bring to each day?
Is it pain, Is it fire, do you yearn to conquer?

Is it love, is it bloom, do you strive to do the best you can do?

Rare plastic, are you cold?
Do your veins run with vile?
Do you take the time to hurt others, are you a pedophile?

Do you walk into a room, open your soul and let it shine?
Who are you, who am i?

do we see the corrupt activity, from all that we are deceived.

are we sullen?
do we catch your eye?
is your path outlined in the sky?

do we care, do we share,
the life we cant bare?
Can you see the world around you,
When you cant bare to see at all?

The author's comments:
I was very angry with the world when i wrote this.. apparently i am not a fan of society :p

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