Memories and My Legacy | Teen Ink

Memories and My Legacy

September 25, 2010
By LunaWingsFlyAway GOLD, Farmingdale, New York
LunaWingsFlyAway GOLD, Farmingdale, New York
10 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee
...Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride.In the sepulchre there by the sea."

-Edgar Allen Poe

Desire is a pain, refeclting off the walls of my soul.
Your words are a whisper, echoing within my ears.
Your touch, a light breeze, playing softly on my skin.
Like your love, they're bitter memories.
Burning within my mind and soul.
Devouring me from within,
'Till there's nothing left of me,
But my legacy.
My legacy that now but contains,
Naught but your love.

The author's comments:
Loveeeee is a pain suckssssss....especially when u lose it....i think most of us know makes us feel as if theres nothing left..sadly

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