The Ultimate Question | Teen Ink

The Ultimate Question

September 6, 2010
By kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
10 articles 20 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop judging by mere appearences and make a right judgement"
John 7:24

How are we supposed to help those that cannot help themselves?What do you do when they won't listen to the only one who can help them?
Why is it that when you try to help they only push you away?
But the ultimate question really is:
How do we help those who do not want help?
Do you stop trying to help? Do you give up on them?
That's not what He would do
He is there when we least expect it
He does what can't be done and then some
He is the answer to the ultimate question

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this after hearing about how a girl gave up on God but I know that He hasn't given up on her just yet! Where ever she may be I hope that she'll learn that He's on her side and will never stop loving her

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