catacylsmic downpoar.. | Teen Ink

catacylsmic downpoar..

August 17, 2010
By dream..catcher.. BRONZE, Dream Landing, Maine
dream..catcher.. BRONZE, Dream Landing, Maine
1 article 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.."

"The best things in life are unseen, that's why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream.."

"Normal is only a mode on a washing machine.."

i love the rain..the why it pours down. like crystals,,falling from heaven. the way the thunder drowns out all my terrifying thoughts..the way the lighting streaks the sky with its brilliant flash of colors. mysterious. you never know where it will strike next. i get lost,,caught up in the storm,,losing track of time,,of my thoughts,,of everything..the drops thump against the roof like my heart against my chest..beating..the smell..fresh, new. the sky gray. dreary..the cataclysmic cant be controlled.powerful..i love thunderstorms..

The author's comments:
as i lay awake at night,,i listen to the rain pound on the roof. i try to focus on nothing else. i try to let the storm chase away my thoughts..its so serene to me.

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