One portion of love | Teen Ink

One portion of love

May 24, 2010
By MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a mountain on a beach"-Unknown
"Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

There's a peace in my body,
a calmness in my heart,
a relaxation
that everything's alright:
And this is part of love's affects.
One thought,
one picture:
and a smile is on my face,
eyes go gentle,
breathing thins
like a gentle breeze blows,
and a happy calmness
drowns out everything:
and this is part of love's affects.
Four movements,
a two-way embrace:
my heart flutters
then settles
to the edge of my chest,
my muscles pull you
into a tighter hug,
my breath goes deeper
to breathe in your smell,
head slowly turns
to feel the heat and the texture through your shirt,
hands slide around your waist
to keep you pulled into me:
And this is part of love's affects.
To crave your attention,
to want your touch,
to enjoy the sound of your voice:
To crave your hugs,
sound of your heart,
smell of your skin,
To want your heart
to always be mine,
to keep you happy,
to know you're well,
To enjoy knowing I am yours,
that you will always be there,
that I can trust you to no end:
And this whole poem,
only makes up a small portion
of the life called love.

The author's comments:
I'm making this like a series poems.. same pt but different words in different poems and each meaning for each. Each one has "Portion of love" As the last part of the title.

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