When Death Comes Knocking at Your Soul | Teen Ink

When Death Comes Knocking at Your Soul

April 29, 2010
By luv2swim BRONZE, Corona, California
luv2swim BRONZE, Corona, California
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For every beauty there is an eye to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
-Ivan Panin

The sound that you have feared
for six months is here,
but this time louder.

Knock, Knock, Knock

And without even giving you a chance to fight,
it opens the door to your soul.
This time not leaving,
not leaving without completing its mission.
Its mission to bring you home.

Suddenly you feel your heart skipping beats.
It’s getting harder for you to breathe.
You know it’s time.
Death is here and is taking you with him.

“Come, let us go, your time here is coming to an end.”

You are shocked to find that Death is surprisingly nice,
but even more shocked to find that you have no strength to fight back for your life.
You find yourself giving up.
Your time has come,
God wants you to come up to Heaven and leave your life here on earth.

“Hurry now, say your goodbyes, there is not much time.”

You look into the loving eyes surrounding you
and think of all the praying and worrying they have put into the last six months.
How would they get through every day without you?

“Please hurry, you do not want to die without saying goodbye.”

Death is right, God is waiting for you
and you need to say goodbye.
Your final words are short,
but sincere.
“Goodbye, I love you all.”
You take your last breath and final look at the world you will now view from Heaven.

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