You Silly Girl, Samantha! | Teen Ink

You Silly Girl, Samantha!

April 8, 2010
By Angelkiss415 SILVER, Dewsbury, Other
Angelkiss415 SILVER, Dewsbury, Other
9 articles 0 photos 19 comments

I longed for a friend
A friend like you
I thought you would treat me right
Like in memories of the past
Where you were the sunshine
Shining light into my life
Making it clear not dark

We was so young back then
we were only ten
In long grass fields
We chased each other
Smiles on our faces
So close like we were sisters

In the middle of summer
Juicy blackberrys
Grew from bushes in the field
They were so delicious
Fruity on our tongues
We made blackcurrent juice from them

We drank it from glasses
It tasted cold and cool
With ice added to it
under the heat of the fireball
That would sizzle and burn us from the sky
We made more
Our glasses filled of blackcurrent juice
Buzzed our taste buds
Made us more closer
I thought nothing could make us grow apart

Back at my face
You throw it
Now that we are older now
You never wanted to talk to me again
All you cared about was men
Like your growing up,
To become your mental mother
Who took every guy she could see
So foolish of my dad
She even took him
Just mad about men, she was

I'm nothing to you now
And all that you threw away
The memories, the best moments and our friendship

You came running back
One day and for weeks
Fed up of kissing boys cheeks
Dirty trash out of your mouth
To persuade a boy to open his fly
What I think?
Is good bye
You are wicked whore (sorry about the language I have used)
And now you say you miss me
No way am I going to have you back
After all that you used me for

An ignorant snob
Is that what I am?
For walking away from you
You pile of trash
You silly girl, Samantha!

The author's comments:
This is a true story about a friendship I once had with someone and it then turned into a disaster. Leading into really bad things that hurt me. Including the divorce of my parents.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 9 2010 at 6:22 am
AndTheVinesSpin GOLD, Romulus, Michigan
11 articles 1 photo 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is the Movement" -TWLOHA
"Love is our weapon." -Christofer Drew
"I'ma get me a High School Diploma, even if I gotta steal one!" -ThisKidInMyMathClassLol

Wow. I personally have never been in a situation like this, but I can tell you that it is great. It lays out raw emotion, and that's exactly what makes a poem meaningful. Five stars for you.

[and thank you for your comment, I always return the favour ;)]