An ode to Freedom | Teen Ink

An ode to Freedom

March 21, 2010
By Weasels101 SILVER, Walnut, California
Weasels101 SILVER, Walnut, California
5 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”- Maria Robinson
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."- Thomas Edison

The day came,
With a sudden rush.
Hidden in the alcove above,
Being protected from the horror.

For months on end, if not years,
We have hidden.
Lacking the fresh air,
Along with human interaction,

That is needed so,
To keep a person sane.
Oh, how I miss riding down the pavement,
Along with all my friends.

Having no worries in the world whatsoever.
Laughing along with others in class,
All the while, vigorously learning.
Doing anything I wished.

Having no self consciousness,
Because of the Star of David,
Sewn onto our clothing sleeves.
Making us stand out amongst the crowd.

Being teased, laughed at, abused.
Because of our religion.
Yet having not a word,
To say of it.

How I miss the days,
Where one’s religion doesn’t separate them,
But rather everyone as an equal.
Living happily among one another.

Faces smiling,
Along with the kindness of their hearts,
Shining out their beautiful eyes.
Everyone, singing as one.

Oh, how I miss flying like a falcon,
Hurtling up through the air,
Without anyone’s discretion,
With no burden in my mind.
Just the thought of peace.
And finally, freedom.

The author's comments:
This poem was for school a school project on the Subject of Anne Frank and the Holocaust. I thought it was pretty good. So enjoy!

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